A mother’s grief turned to anger during an inquest into her daughter’s death from ecstasy.
Sky Nicol was found in her best friend’s bedroom unconscious and ‘off the scale’ after taking five times the fatal level of MDMA.
Sky’s friend didn’t dial 999 until half an hour after she fell unconscious when another friend turned up and noticed she was not well.
Friends said that Sky had ‘bashed up a massive bag of MDMA and tipped it into her mouth’.
Blood samples showed that she’d also taken large amounts of heroin and cocaine.

‘In my opinion, you f**king killed her. You delayed that ambulance and stopped her getting the urgent attention she needed. I can’t sit and listen to any more of this because they f**king killed her.
‘As soon as she knew there was something wrong she should have phoned the ambulance.
‘My daughter is never coming back. I will say it until the day I’m placed in my own coffin. They killed her.’
She then left the hearing for five minutes to compose herself before returning.
Sky, who died on March 23, started using class A drugs soon after leaving school, where she had been a popular student.

‘She was shaking and I tried to help her. She was not able to hold a conversation and her lips had gone blue.’
Consultant pathologist Dr Muammer Al-Mudhaffer said: ‘It is my belief that such a volume of drugs would pose a serious and significant threat to life. She had in her system five times the amount which could potentially kill her.’
Recording a conclusion of drug related death as a result of combined drug use, coroner Michael Singleton told Sky’s family it was unlikely she could have been saved if the ambulance had been called sooner.

‘As a parent myself I cannot begin to imagine the pain and the grief that you are dealing with.’
Speaking after the inquest, Sky’s older sister Bronwyn Nicol, 18, said: ‘I’m heartbroken. She was outgoing, beautiful and lovely. We were so alike. I’ll always miss my baby sister.’
Police arrested a 16-year-old girl and a boy of 15 on suspicion of being concerned in ecstasy supply and released both on bail. A 46-year-old woman was arrested on suspicion of obstructing the course of justice but was freed without charge.
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