Thursday, 9 June 2016

Women of today and their Feebleness

Today's young women are 'just so feeble'

Young women are so thin-skinned they can’t deal with normal life that may contradict their ‘right-on’ attitudes, according to an author.

Courting controversy in the Daily Mail, Claire Fox described giving a talk at a North London school where she discussed Ched Evans, the footballer convicted of rape (his conviction was since quashed on appeal and he faces a retrial).

She said that when she gave her opinion that he should have been allowed to resume playing professionally after serving his sentence, A Level pupils dissolved into tears.
‘During the final Q&A all hell broke loose,’ Claire said. ‘I dared suggest (as eminent feminists have before me) that rape wasn’t necessarily the worst thing a woman could experience.
‘I expected robust discussion – not for them all to dissolve into outraged gasps of, ‘You can’t say that!’

Are young women too feeble?

  • Yes, they have a 'belligerent sense of entitlement'
  • No, they are strong and care about social justice

She claimed that previous generations would have enjoyed the opportunity to argue back rather than take it so personally.

In fact, she feels so strongly she wrote a book about it called ‘I Find That Offensive’, detailing what some describe as ‘Generation Snowflake’.
The term, more popular in America, implies young people are fragile and can’t deal with criticism or anything that contradicts their worldview.


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