Friday 10 June 2016

People know the truth about tomatoes (aka the devil’s fruit)

15 people who understand that tomatoes are the worst and must be stopped

Are you fed up of tomatoes lying in wait at the bottom of your sandwiches and burgers, slowly turning the whole thing to mush?

Do you hate those cherry tomatoes that get into every goddamn salad and M&S pasta ready-meal?
Do you love pizza, ketchup, tomato soup, pasta sauce and salsa but recoil at the sight of a fleshy, red raw tomato?

Of course you do. Because everyone knows tomatoes are the worst and must be stopped. Seriously. If you don’t believe me, check out the ‘Tomatoes are evil’ Facebook page.
Alternatively, I offer this indisputable piece of evidence:
Tomatoes are so unpopular that scientists have actually done research into why people find them so offensive.
According to plant molecular biologist Harry Klee of the University of Florida, there are ‘400 volatile compounds in a tomato’. That means they have a particularly complex flavour profile. It also means they have much more likelihood of causing offence.

Oh, and of course there’s the extremely high water content – 94% of a tomato’s weight is water, which is 2% higher than watermelon.
Which would be fine, if there didn’t exist some sort of universal unwritten rule that every sandwich and burger sold must contain at least one slice of lukewarm, soggy tomato hidden at the base.


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